Why is this project being undertaken?



Ecosystem services cascade
Renewable energy: Stimulating rural transition, economic, social, and environmental impact.
Agriculture: Our commitment to sustainable circularity encompasses both society and the environment
Technology planning: Includes sustainable green energy processes like the TDM proposal 'Pyro-tor'
Commitment: Hierarchical organization of the cooperation and team of the Tierras de Montaña project

Why is this project being undertaken?


Agriculture is an important source of income in Colombia, but untapped agricultural potential has contributed to persistent poverty and deteriorating food security, leading to an increase in the number of people who have moved to other areas. ‘other activities’.
Over the past ten years, the Andean borders of coffee production have been transformed into monocultures of avocados, citrus fruits, tourist centers and abandoned lands.
The fall in prices of basic products or “commodities” is increasingly worrying, combined with the increase in agricultural inputs used in crop fertilization programs. It is imperative that Colombia diversify its exports and reduce its current account deficits. At the same time, increasing demand for food and changes in consumption patterns driven by demographic factors such as population growth and urbanization are leading to a rapid increase in net food imports.This increase in imports is indicative of a greater possibility of agricultural transformation, which is equivocally interpreted as bilateral trade. The scale of imports shows that there is a demand for a dynamic private sector, with sustainable development of agroforestry with ecological and climate-smart practices, allows the production of agricultural goods (ABP), wood forest products (PFL ), non-timber forest products (NTFPs), ecosystem services and a sustainable portfolio to compete in markets at fair prices.

We can boost the Colombian agri-food sector by relaunching coffee production, knowing that it is one of the agricultural products that has allowed Colombia to be recognized as a quality producing country. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop agroforestry and regenerative agriculture in coffee regions affected by climate change. Tierras de Montaña has the solution to reclaim coffee culture.


Colombia has lost more than 40,000 hectares of coffee in recent years because coffee producers decided to abandon the industry as the price offer did not cover production costs. This agricultural asset which at the time placed Colombia as a leader in coffee production not only in volume but also in quality, today no longer has the same role.

 “Today we see coffee farmers who are starting to make the decision to abandon coffee farming and move to other crops. »


Some sources in the coffee industry in Colombia have estimated that some 25,000 families have abandoned coffee cultivation for other agricultural activities such as the production of avocados, citrus fruits or allocating their land to the tourism sector.


Today, Colombia needs a substantial change in the coffee production system, an organic and regenerative coffee culture that embodies the quality and distinction of Colombian coffee, the physical, biological and chemical interactions between the soil, biodiversity of flora and fauna, pathogenic compounds and natural regulators, productivity and quality of coffee production, tree growth and interactions with light and nutrient cycling, as well as climatological and microclimatic information linked to a new definitive and effective path will allow the development of a sustainable and profitable coffee culture.


The results confirm that full sun production systems, in particular those based on intensive and moderate chemical management, do not allow regenerative agriculture of soil living conditions, biodiversity connectivity, microclimate regulation and links to the pest and disease complex and, importantly, the potential for high carbon capture and reduction. Stating that a significant change in practices is important for a different and meaningful form of coffee culture around the world.


There are many trials and players involved in key processes that enable the use of appropriate associations of service trees (erythrins) with woody trees in combination with exotic coffee varieties, achieving high levels of productivity, diversification and, at the same time, multiple ecosystem services. Additionally, moderate conventional and organic management practices have been identified that contribute to the adaptation and mitigation of the coffee sector to climate change.


Creating and engaging in innovation dialogues that generate efficient crop production systems that can withstand biotic and abiotic stress, climate change, natural hazards, and geopolitical crises is necessary. We are convinced that agriculture in the future should produce food with less environmental impact and enhance the resilience of local and diverse agri-food systems to shocks and disruptions.


These key products thus transformed and associated with agro-related industries have a value that allows small, medium and large producers to compete not in quantity but in quality, thus covering the displacement of this agricultural activity called “Colombian Coffee Culture” reaching to transform it into a “smart and sustainable coffee with the climate” by guaranteeing economic players significant growth in income.

These opportunities have been seized on the scale required in Colombia in other parts of the world, such as Brazil, Malaysia and Vietnam, and have often been taken advantage of over relatively short periods of time. Processing conditions are starting to materialize in several countries by developing more engaging practices regarding soils and a more detailed vision of the final product.


 Smaller scale transformations are already underway, such as in the horticultural and agroforestry sectors in Ethiopia, Nicaragua and Brazil, respectively, there is a need to improve the culture of agricultural production in Colombia with a system of electronic wallet to facilitate the payment of subsidies for fertilizers and processing of coffee and other agricultural commodities that are a global impact factor with renowned labels, USD ORGANIC, CARBON SOIL, CERTIFIED REGENERATIVE, among others, it is possible to lead the way for major changes in Colombian agriculture.

Lessons learned over the years from traditional agricultural processes help shape this strategy. Successful transformations are driven by the company and consist of creating three simultaneous conditions:


      I. Large-scale dissemination of regenerative technology, practices and inputs that improve productivity, sustainability and product quality, as well as agroforestry partnerships that provide farmers with additional income from other complementary products in the framework of their agricultural development models;        

     II. Develop market structures for sustainable inputs such as biochar, products and incentives that realize the value of increased production, and,        

    III. A vibrant and thriving private sector that can manage and allocate skills and capital to increase the emerging success and long-term sustainable growth of agribusiness.        


The public sector has a key role to play

· To foster these conditions and enable businesses to prosper.      

· In cases of successful agricultural transformation:      

Liberalization of input markets, innovative financing, infrastructure development (production systems, storage and rural roads), as well as technologies and extension projects, particularly in the application of information and communication technologies. communication on climate-smart agriculture,

Opening up new ways to replicate these successes.

Promoting new ways to modernize value chains, and in an inclusive manner.


Behind all this, a political will for large-scale reform is required. This is particularly true in light of the crucial role of policy reform and the creation of an enabling environment for investment and private sector participation.


However, the political sector must become complicit with the government for these initiatives to make sense. The effective action plan, as expressed by small and large players in the private sector, is for the government a great ally where its participation will allow a system to be prosperous and balanced, the leaders must be equally willing to do so .

A Sustainable Project

As part of the SDG program and the goals of TDM we are developing a strategy to support the four specific objectives of the Forest-Agricultural Mechanism, namely:

  • I. Contribute to the elimination of extreme poverty in Colombia by 2030;  
  • II. End the displacement of coffee culture in Colombia by 2030;  
  • III. Make Colombia a net exporter of Coffee and Forest Products; And,  
  • IV. Lead Colombia to the top of export-oriented global value chains, where there is a comparative advantage in products with value certifications.  


Given the scale of resources and coordination required to transform the entire value chain, it is important to implement a specific investment strategy to achieve these ambitions. The main initial investments include a first set of agricultural products and agroecological zones:

1/ Achieve self-sufficiency in quality products (coffee, wood, beekeeping, resin oil, horticulture, etc.);  

2/ Move up the value chain of the main export-oriented raw materials (cocoa, coffee, native and commercial wood, cashew nuts);  

3/ Create a system with sustainable soil security (Lemna minor, Biochar, livestock); And,  

4/ Exploit the land potential of the Andes mountain range to develop biodiversity portfolios that generate environmental credits for water, soil, fauna and flora. Qualified and sustainable carbon sequestration, allowing a global contribution to the decarbonization of the planet.  


The completion of this first set of commodity value chains and agro-ecological zones could open up markets worth $400 million per year by 2027 and have a significant impact on achieving the Development Goals Sustainable, poverty reduction, the fight against hunger and will require considerable financial mobilization.


More specifically, harnessing Colombia’s potential in each of these areas requires various types of support needed to catalyze investment, but in general, the transformation of each product and each agro-ecological zone requires seven sets of enablers:

1 . Increase productivity by catalyzing the development of efficient input distribution systems and the reduction of waste and post-harvest losses;         

2 . Realize the value of agricultural products when quality is higher by facilitating increased investment in production markets and supporting high value-added market incentives;         

3. Increase investment in enabling infrastructure, whether physical (such as roads, energy and water) or soft (particularly ICT, which can have positive impacts);         

4 . Create a favorable environment for agribusinesses with appropriate regulatory policies;         

5 . Catalyze capital flows (especially commercial allies and private investments) across agribusiness;         

6. Ensure that the transformation meets the overall needs of Colombians, ensuring inclusion, sustainability and effective nutrition beyond what the market can otherwise offer;         

7. Coordinate activities to drive the transformation, align the activities and investments of different actors and guide the initial activities to the point where the private sector and actors can accumulate;         


The strategy is closely aligned with commitments to global food security, the SDGs and the commitment to global warming, necessary land regeneration and the resumption of activities within the country’s agrarian economies. These activities highlight the need to increase investments, develop sustainable zero-impact local agricultural production, form a global partnership on agriculture and food (Global Alliance for Agriculture and Food Security – GAFSP) and to promote open and efficient agricultural and food markets with labels and traceability recognition. Measuring progress in achieving the strategy’s goals will take into account contributions to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, particularly those related to the eradication of poverty and hunger and in the fight against climate change. Finally, the Strategy echoes the vision established in the 2050 Strategy for Colombia, developed together to consolidate the modernization of Colombian agriculture and agro-industry from an efficient, environmentally sustainable economic sector and socially regenerative.


Colombia has a potential of 7,300,000 hectares suitable for coffee production. According to the FNC, 974,000 hectares are currently planted, or 13% of the total potential.
TDM is a project that can be replicated with sustainability, generating decent jobs, it plans to cover a study and teaching center of 3,500 agricultural hectares in regions affected by precariousness and climate change, this model uses agroforestry, capture carbon, regenerative agriculture, pyrolysis, compost in order to:

Develop coffee production and generate 60 000 T of biomass waste annually, which is utilized to produce 15 000 T of certified biochar using continuous, environmentally friendly pyrolysis reactors.

By using two additional technologies along pyrolysis; the exhaust gases are recovered and condensed for the distillation of biofuels and the remaining heat circulates to the module housing the green coffee for drying.

Part of the biochar then goes to logistics for the sale of certified biochar, the rest being devoted to the production of compost for the development of specific fertilizers.

Component 1:

Development of agroforestry models

This component aims to improve complementary agricultural and agroforestry practices, its integration into local crops and production systems, to diversify and increase farmers’ income.

Teaching how to transmit sustainable practices to local populations in rural areas. It should be noted that the participatory methods with farmers are circular: 

The ecosystem harvests information for research and development of quality carbon capture programs, biochar production, renewable energy production, analysis and monitoring, improvement and adaptation >>

Agroforestry production, which is achieved through the symbiotic and cooperative incorporation of diverse forest species, crop types, animals and water bodies so that >> the processes and residues of one become the inputs and nutrients of others. >>

Another very important aspect to highlight is that the interaction between different species helps to reduce pest threats.

As part of this component, this innovative strategy allows the development of pilot programs, applied to the beneficiaries’ agricultural lands in order to improve practices and develop agroforestry management techniques.

What we call a training school covering 3500 hectares where processes will be centralized, research, traceability, processing and constant improvement of production processes.

Component 2:

Market assessment and value chain development

The objective of this component is to develop new value chains and commercial activities (Direct trade, negotiation tables, capacity building of producer organizations and integrate new producers, taking into account active and positive links with policies local and regional.

Yes, strengthening the capacities of producers and developing those of excluded populations, so that they can benefit from local development. A comprehensive analysis of the value chain of the agricultural and agroforestry sub-sector will be carried out, to identify and eliminate barriers to entry to the different elements of the value chain.
“Experiments will be carried out on the innovative transformation of products from small agroforestry plots in order to guide the adaptation of companies’ machines and instruments to products…”

Component 3:

Promote and reproduce the agroforestry model

This component aims to widely disseminate the results of TA * (Technical Activity) to public financing organizations and private funds that wish to invest in the development of eco-intensive agricultural programs (including agroforestry). The ultimate goal is to replicate the models developed by the TA on a larger scale and in other areas and regions where unfortunately coffee production has been replaced in Colombia. This component will mainly focus on the public and private sectors, research and development organizations and aid or investment funds.

Component 4:

Management and external evaluation

This component focuses on project management and external evaluation. Subject to monitoring during implementation and audit by an independent verifier.

Our group is motivated by the intention of launching this model of sustainable development objective both for its financial profitability and in productive and social sustainability, allowing better market penetration, increase in product quality, active participation in all the SDGs and CDN for participating nations, with detailed monitoring, both quantitative and analytical. This would facilitate reproduction, and an improvement in other coffee growing regions as well.

The green zone production facility


Cultivates admiration for rural life
Using technology to help rural areas in Colombia evolve.

What do we mean by PYRO-TOR?

Using a pyrolysis reactor to process residual biomass from agriculture is a way to manufacture biochar.
The objective of biochar is to enhance the efficiency of compost and capture carbon from the atmosphere.
The reactor's autonomy is ensured by the use of heat and gas from the pyrolise to cause combustion in a separate chamber. A heat recuperator allows for the use of a separate system for drying and roasting coffee due to residual heat.
The objective is to encourage the use of green energy for transformation and value-added processes.
Fonds d'études et d'Aide au SEcteur Privé 2023 (FASEP)


The objective, an innovation through a "FASEP " : To establish a pyrolysis reactor to connect it to a roasting unit and a drying unit in the municipality of Planadas, Tolima region, Colombia.
We plan to optimize and increase the value of agroforestry coffee production. 'We chose pyrolysis as the solution, and drying and roasting, three processes that require the same thermal energy at different temperatures. TDM comes up with a solution to produce 40-60kg of biochar per hour and use excess heat to dry the coffee on parchment and roast the green coffee. This reactor is distinguished by its operation as a source of  biochar for the regeneration of soil biological organisms, carbon sequestration and the development of local organic agriculture. In addition, we plan to use excess heat to power a coffee drying unit and a roasting unit, which generates considerable added value. This allows us to adapt to the local context to strengthen the transition towards agricultural biofertility, sustainable production and trade for producers, decarbonisation and reduction of energy dependence.


Dry wood lumber,

Dry residual biomass,

TDM uses excess heat as its

Green Energy Sustainable Process.
Office national des forêts Andina, dry wood sustainably GESP.


This proposal targets the installation of a pyrolysis reactor capable of providing sustainable energy to both a wood drying unit and a drying residual biomass unit for an ONF Andina legal logging Colombia project.We plan to optimize and increase the value of legal forestry production. 'We chose pyrolysis as the solution, and drying wood lumber and residual biomass, three processes that require the same thermal energy at different temperatures.'TDM is working to come up with a solution to produce biochar and use excess heat to dry wood lumber and residual biomass.This reactor is distinguished by its operation as a source of biochar for the regeneration of soil biological organisms, carbon sequestration and the development of local organic agriculture.In addition, we plan to use excess heat to power a wood drying unit and a biomass drying unit, which generates considerable added value.This allows us to adapt local context to strengthen the transition towards agricultural biofertility, sustainable production and trade for producers, decarbonisation and reduction of energy dependence. 
TDM- Innovation & Climate Action

PYRO -TOR, a sustainable and environmentally friendly method.

 Just Rural Transition Proposal:

We are looking to contribute to the Just Rural Transition in four areas of intervention: Consolidate best agroecology and agroforestry practices for productive land reconversion and restoration with a sustainable market approach.

Area of intervention 1 – Consolidate best agroecology and agroforestry practices for productive land reconversion and restoration with a sustainable market approach.

Area of intervention 2 – Develop effective traceability systems for no deforestation and land degradation in existing value chains under zero-deforestation agreements and non-timber forest products.

Area of intervention 3 – Enable more applied research and bioeconomy products development for sustainable production, use, commercialisation, and conservation of biological resources.

Area of intervention 4 – Improve the design and implementation of financial instruments for rural nature-based solutions, involving local communities. 

We submitted an application for the UK PACT 2024-2027.
An initiative launched by the United Kingdom to promote a just transition in rural Colombia.



The impact that ecosystems, including agroecosystems, have on human well-being.

The inhabitants of Planadas have shown that they are vigorous and do not let themselves be discouraged, to the point that the municipality has become the third largest coffee producer in Colombia. Their coffee has gained international recognition, with successful participation in competitions organized in recent years. It is the fruit of the work of women and men who get up very early every day to work on their coffee plantations, according to the president of Asopap, Planadas is one of the rural regions in transition from demobilization and abandonment of the weapons of the FARC.


Colombia has experienced a loss of over 40,000 hectares of coffee crop due to the quitting of coffee producers in recent years, as the price supply does not cover production costs.

The agricultural asset that once made Colombia a leader in the production of coffee, not only in volume but also in quality, is no longer in play today.

Conventional agriculture depends on the relatively expensive use of soluble mineral fertilizers to obtain higher crop yields. But excessive application has produced: eutrophication, water toxicity, groundwater contamination, air pollution, degradation of soils and ecosystems, biological imbalances and reduction in biodiversity.


Tolima - Colombia

Solution and specific objectives pursued by the project:

By generating circular profitability, we can offer employment, education, and access to agricultural property acquisition.


To produce superior products with environmental sustainability, we provide on-the-ground training.

Through direct and profitable trading with international buyers, our producer ensures their acquisitions, social security, and property pass-on for a dignified retirement.

Refrain from cultivating in full sun and taking advantage of agroforestry.

Restore soil fertility by employing regenerative agriculture.

Making compost that is both homogeneous and sustainable from microorganisms, organic waste, and biochar.

The purpose of biochar production is to conserve nutrients, water, and manage biological and phytosanitary activities.

Organization and beneficiaries

Our project’s progress and reliability are monitored and measured by an affiliated committee* through meetings and follow-up.

(* Here is the link to our team presentation-> ***)

The project’s founders who have expressed their interest through a letter of expression of interest.

Through their association and privileges in negotiations, companies involved in the project and contributing to the project are put on the front line for recognition.

Public beneficiaries

The municipalities of Planadas, Asopap, and CMS wrote to us to let us know their interest in starting the pilot project.

The Association has ecological and fair trade certifications, support and continually opens new opportunities for coffee producers in the region. Asopap is one of the most advanced groups in the southern region of Tolima. It is distinguished not only by its production volumes, but also by its quality and consistency in the cup profile, by its high level of organization and management capacity. This is a highly organized association that applies strict internal controls to the supply chain, as evidenced by their excellent coffee offering.

Initially, it was a supplier, but we have consistently supported the Association, a relationship that spans over six years.Tierras de Montaña will team up with members of the Association for Teaching, collecting quantitative and analytical indicators, an operational organization for monitoring soils and crops for agroforestry and the cultivation of coffee and other crops, maintenance and development of the compost and biofuel production plant.

The objective of ASOPAP and TDM’s alliance is to share a showcase of quality, profitability, sustainability, and dignity for producers and the environment, a goal that is sorely lacking in Colombia.